Golden Swallow is a fighter-for-hire who has been contracted by the local government to retrieve the governor’s kidnapped son. Holding him is a group of rebels who are demanding that their leader be released from prison in return for the captured son. After a brief encounter with the gang at a local restaurant, Golden Swallow is joined by an inebriated wanderer Drunken Cat who aids her in her mission.
A General, A Scholar and An Eunuch (2017)
Solo Leveling (Season 2) (2025)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
The Return (2024)
Werewolves (2024)
Panda Plan (2024)
Runaway Train (1985)
The Night They Came Home (2024)
Kraven the Hunter (2024)
What If...? (Season 3) (2024)
Squid Game (Season 2) (2024)
Mary (2024)
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
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