African Cats captures the real-life love, humor and determination of the majestic kings of the savanna. The story features Mara, an endearing lion cub who strives to grow up with her mother’s strength, spirit and wisdom; Sita, a fearless cheetah and single mother of five mischievous newborns; and Fang, a proud leader of the pride who must defend his family from a once banished lion.
Avicii - I'm Tim (2024)
The Return (2024)
Runaway Train (1985)
Big Bang Made - The Movie (2016)
The Secret Lives of Animals (2024)
Kraven the Hunter (2024)
What If...? (Season 3) (2024)
Squid Game (Season 2) (2024)
Biggest Heist Ever (2024)
Saudi Pro League: Kickoff (2024)
Polo (2024)
Outlander (Season 7) (2023)
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
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