Adèle Hugo, daughter of renowned French writer Victor Hugo, falls in love with British soldier Albert Pinson while living in exile off the coast of England. Though he spurns her affections, she follows him to Nova Scotia and takes on the alias of Adèle Lewly. Albert continues to reject her, but she remains obsessive in her quest to win him over.
Good Luck (2024)
Rainforest Passions (2024)
The Blossoming Love (2024)
Love Scout (2024)
A General, A Scholar and An Eunuch (2017)
Always Ready (2005)
New Amsterdam (Season 5) (2024)
Maestro in Blue (Season 3) (2024)
Suffocating Love (2024)
I am the Secret in Your Heart (2024)
Wicked (2024)
The Return (2024)
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
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