In a high-stakes corruption case, ICAC Principal Investigator Kong Kin-chau edges closer to the truth within a listed company. Chief Investigator Szeto Kai-man and Assistant Investigator Ting Sum go undercover as a father-daughter duo to gather evidence against a construction firm, while Firearms Team member Chui Ho-nam and Assistant Investigator Chung Hau-ling help secure crucial intel. Meanwhile, Senior Investigator Ng Hok-bun exposes corruption within the prison system. Despite differing views and setbacks, the team remains steadfast in pursuing justice in the secondary school engineering scandal.
A General, A Scholar and An Eunuch (2017)
Solo Leveling (Season 2) (2025)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
Maestro in Blue (Season 3) (2024)
The Return (2024)
Werewolves (2024)
The Order (2024)
Panda Plan (2024)
Runaway Train (1985)
The Night They Came Home (2024)
Kraven the Hunter (2024)
What If...? (Season 3) (2024)
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
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