Two young women, Minako and Naomi, have been friends and lovers since their school days, and are now living as roommates in the city, working together for a large company. Although she cares for Minako, Naomi decides that she should leave behind her past, find a husband and have kids. Minako, on the other hand, is happy with things as they are and doesn’t want to change. The two must work out what they really want out of life, going their separate ways if need be.
Unforgivable (2024)
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Escape from the Trilateral Slopes (2024)
Your Fault (2024)
Umjolo: My Beginning, My End! (2025)
Money is Coming (2025)
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When the Stars Gossip (2025)
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (2024)
A Change of Heart (2013)
Life is a Choice (2024)
Missing You (2025)
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
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